Hello! This post is here because I've painted few larger pieces that are a little underweight for separate posts, however still are a solid body of work I'd like to share.
Most of these won't have a sketch faze as I freehanded them straight onto the watercolour paper. So, quite spontaneous and creative works that were born without a notice or much planning ahead of them.
Most of these won't have a sketch faze as I freehanded them straight onto the watercolour paper. So, quite spontaneous and creative works that were born without a notice or much planning ahead of them.
"Visiting grandpa", watercolour on A3 aquarelle paper.

"Hands hierarchy", A3 watercolour on aquarelle paper.

"The Hideout", A2 watercolour on paper.

"Lot on Your Mind" - created in Procreate app, using iPad pro and apple pencil.

"Rocky" - A3 acrylics and ink on card.

"The Mansion" - A large A1 watercolour of a weird packed house.

"11:24" - A3 watercolour on aquarelle paper,
freehand composition inspired by 'Stranger Things'.

"Two Worlds" - a story of a portal between two parallels. Watercolour on paper.

Untitled watercolour on aquarelle paper, A3.

Went for an overall tint shift after the image's been scanned in.

And my latest one - a zero gravity deconstructed sandwich situation, watercolour on A3.