Here is a little collection of small-ish drawings and paintings I've made quite recently. I like all of them, but don't think that each one of those deserves a separate post. Hope that such a load of images will not bore you too much. 
The Self-painted Girl (Adding colour to own existence).
Watercolour and ink + a touch of digital.
The Anglerfish House. Ink on paper.
The Deathbird's Nest. Ink on paper.
The Sound of Colour. Watercolor, pencils and ink on paper.
Bee yourself.
Yes, I like puns.
The Ice Cream Man. Watercolour and ink on cardboard +a touch of digital.
Smaller drawings - a Food Roll and the Backpack Cat. Both ink on paper.
Personal Rainfall. Digital painting.
Thanks a lot for checking these out!
A couple of prints can be found here:
In other news: I have finally created a separate page for my art on facebook. Just like a real artist and all that, ha! Anyway, I would appreciate if you guys could be the first people to like and share the page:
Thank you once again for all the support!


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